The Importance of Effective Communication

“While all engineers should have good communication skills, global engineers face additional challenges, making effective communication an imperative.”
- Debra Kraft, Careers Content Writer, Demand Media (2016)

According to Debra Kraft, Careers Content Writer for Demand Media (2016), it is crucial for global engineers to hone their communication skills as they may face further difficulties.


  1. Thank you for sharing an amazing piece of information that clearly elaborates the differences between both common and global engineers and their usage of proper communications skills.

    Without it, understanding and portraying clear and concise information to another would definitely be hard where sometimes re-pitch of information may lead to confusion.

    Hence forth, being able to note what has been shared above, clearly shows and ingrain to me that communication skills are the most important skill set that one should hold to create ease and yet high success rate in conversing with prospect clients.


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